Eastech Holding Limited

Stock Code 5225 (Taiwan Stock Exchange)
Issued Share Capital NTD772,806,770
Date of Listing November 5, 2012


Dividend Information

Recent Dividend Distributions

Year 2023
Ex-Dividend Date March 22, 2024
Record Date March 30, 2024
Cash Dividend ( NTD / share) NT$6.57218246
Payment Date April 22, 2024

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Monthly Sales

NTD in thousands
Month This Year Last Year MoM / QoQ YoY
January 849,561 944,246 -6.7% -10.0%
February - - - -
March - - - -
Q1 Sub-total - - - -
April - - - -
May - - - -
June - - - -
Q2 Sub-total - - - -
1H Sub-total - - - -
July - - - -
August - - - -
September - - - -
Q3 Sub-total - - - -
October - - - -
November - - - -
December - - - -
Q4 Sub-total - - - -
2H Sub-total - - - -
Total - - - -
Month This Year Last Year MoM / QoQ YoY
January 944,246 549,070 25.9% 72.0%
February 796,336 605,954 -15.7% 31.4%
March 1,022,429 862,714 28.4% 18.5%
Q1 Sub-total 2,763,011 2,017,738 10.0% 36.9%
April 1,053,832 866,562 3.1% 21.6%
May 1,001,461 916,595 -5.0% 9.3%
June 1,015,662 748,124 1.4% 35.8%
Q2 Sub-total 3,070,955 2,531,281 11.2% 21.3%
1H Sub-total 5,833,966 4,549,019 n/a 28.3%
July 1,132,238 817,348


August 1,344,619 1,330,661 18.8% 1.1%
September 1,327,463 1,432,449 -1.3% -7.3%
Q3 Sub-total 3,804,320 3,580,458 23.9% 6.3%
October 1,085,744 940,649 -18.2% 15.4%
November 770,481 820,158 -29.0% -6.1%
December 910,955 750,236 18.2% 21.4%
Q4 Sub-total 2,767,180 2,511,043 -27.3% 10.2%
2H Sub-total 6,571,500 6,091,501 n/a 7.9%
Total 12,405,466 10,640,520 n/a 16.6%
Month This Year Last Year MoM / QoQ YoY
January 549,070 791,790 -27.7% -30.7%
February 605,954 815,369 10.4% -25.7%
March 862,714 970,082 42.4% -11.1%
Q1 Sub-total 2,017,738 2,577,241 -25.9% -21.7%
April 866,562 1,191,203 0.5% -27.3%
May 916,595 1,037,221 5.8% -11.6%
June 748,124 1,094,482 -18.4% -31.7%
Q2 Sub-total 2,531,281 3,322,906 25.5% -23.8%
1H Sub-total 4,549,019 5,900,147 n/a -22.9%
July 817,348 1,363,484


August 1,330,661 1,403,828 62.8% -5.2%
September 1,432,449 1,421,282 7.7% 0.8%
Q3 Sub-total 3,580,458 4,188,594 41.5% -14.5%
October 940,649 994,931 -34.3% -5.5%
November 820,158 966,911 -12.8% -15.2%
December 750,236 759,799 -8.5% -1.3%
Q4 Sub-total 2,511,043 2,721,641 -29.9% -7.7%
2H Sub-total 6,091,501 6,910,235 n/a -11.9%
Total 10,640,520 12,810,382 n/a -16.9%
Month This Year Last Year MoM / QoQ YoY
January 791,790 752,888 -1.6% 5.2%
February 815,369 396,117 3.0% 105.8%
March 970,082 759,523 19.0% 27.7%
Q1 Sub-total 2,577,241 1,908,528 15.9% 35.0%
April 1,191,203 928,770 22.8% 28.3%
May 1,037,221 792,872 -12.9% 30.8%
June 1,094,482 783,039 5.5% 39.8%
Q2 Sub-total 3,322,906 2,504,681 28.9% 32.7%
1H Sub-total 5,900,147 4,413,209 n/a 33.7%
July 1,363,484 853,476 24.6% 59.8%
August 1,403,828 988,500 3.0% 42.0%
September 1,421,282 934,016 1.2% 52.2%
Q3 Sub-total 4,188,594 2,775,992 26.1% 50.9%
October 994,931 706,898 -30.0% 40.8%
November 966,911 711,791 -2.8% 35.8%
December 759,799 804,421 -21.4% -5.6%
Q4 Sub-total 2,721,641 2,223,110 -35.0% 22.4%
2H Sub-total 6,910,235 4,999,102 n/a 38.2%
Total 12,810,382 9,412,311 n/a 36.1%
Month This Year Last Year MoM / QoQ YoY
January 752,888 428,415 -9.5% 75.7%
February 396,117 104,551 -47.4% 278.9%
March 759,523 625,133 91.7% 21.5%
Q1 Sub-total 1,908,528 1,158,099 -27.5% 64.8%
April 928,770 731,866 22.3% 26.9%
May 792,872 536,607 -14.6% 47.8%
June 783,039 627,777 -1.2% 24.7%
Q2 Sub-total 2,504,681 1,896,250 31.2% 32.1%
1H Sub-total 4,413,209 3,054,349 n/a 44.5%
July 853,476 900,452 9.0% -5.2%
August 988,500 1,129,973 15.8% -12.5%
September 934,016 1,225,048 -5.5% -23.8%
Q3 Sub-total 2,775,992 3,255,473 10.8% -14.7%
October 706,898 894,236 -24.3% -21.0%
November 711,791 905,030 0.7% -21.4%
December 804,421 832,167 13.0% -3.3%
Q4 Sub-total 2,223,110 2,631,433 -19.9% -15.5%
2H Sub-total 4,999,102 5,886,906 n/a -15.1%
Total 9,412,311 8,941,255 n/a 5.3%


Quarterly Results

2024 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 & Fiscal Year
Financial Statements  
Financial Highlights
2023 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 & Fiscal Year
Financial Statements
Financial Highlights
2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 & Fiscal Year
Financial Statements
Financial Highlights
2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 & Fiscal Year
Financial Statements
Financial Highlights

Annual Report

Click on years below to download the annual report in PDF.

Corporate Governance

EASTECH is committed to maintaining a high standard of ethics and corporate governance. This is an important requisite for steady growth as a trusted and respected business enterprise and thus enhances the interests of all shareholders.

We are mindful of the principles of regular, effective and fair disclosure. Information on all material events is disseminated to the public shareholders in a timely and accurate manner via the Market Observation Post System ("M.O.P.S") of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. In communicating with shareholders, Eastech has taken initiatives that include, but are not limited to:

Publishing public financials on a quarterly basis on the M.O.P.S.
Holding investor conferences to update the public and shareholders on the performance and development of the EASTECH Group.
Ensuring timely and accurate announcements that are in line with the disclosure obligations stipulated in the Listing Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange, and posting relevant information on the company's website.


Board of Directors

Who we are and how we are making a difference:

Name Liou Jeng-Lin
Year of Joining 1983
Education Background MBA & MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, USA
Business Experience and Qualifications Senior engineering advisor of Xerox, USA
Senior engineering advisor of IBM, USA
Near 40 years of experience in Acoustic Industry
Director / President
Name Pai Chin-Chang
Year of Joining 1985
Education Background MBA, Senior Management Officer
HK International Business College
Business Experience and Qualifications Near 40 years of experience in Acoustic Industry
Name Chang Tung-I
Year of Joining 2000
Education Background MBA, California State University, USA
Business Experience and Qualifications Executive VP, Kuo-Bin Ceramic
Chairman, Eastech Innovations (TW) Inc.
Name Teng Chiou-Shiang 
Year of Joining 1992
Education Background Bachelor of Department of Economics, Fu Jen Catholic University
Business Experience and Qualifications 20 years of HR experience
Independent Director
Name Chang Shan-Juh 
Year of Joining 2011
Education Background MBA, Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, USA
Business Experience and Qualifications Personnel Directors, Tatung University
Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung University
Independent Director
Name Jeng Shih-Rong
Year of Joining 2020
Education Background Bachelor of Department of Law, National Chung Hsing University
Business Experience and Qualifications Chief Secretary of the Internal Administration Committee, Foreign and National Defense Committee of Legislative Yuan, Republic of China(Taiwan)
Independent Director
Name Su Yi-Jen 
Year of Joining 2023
Education Background

MBA from University of San Francisco, USA

Business Experience and Qualifications CEO of Chunghwa Satellite Communication Systems Co., Ltd.
EMBA Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chang Jung Christian University

Management Team

Vice President of Systems + Headphones & Wearable Devices BU

Name Calvin Chan
Year of Joining 2017
Education Background Bachelor of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of HK
Business Experience and Qualifications Nearly 20 years of business experience in the consumer electronics market. Served as engineering manager, project management and business development respectively

Chief Technology Officer  /  Vice President of High End Business Unit

Name Khengwee Lee
Year of Joining 2016
Education Background Electronics & communication engineering,
The Singapore Polytechnic
Business Experience and Qualifications Near 35 years of R&D experience in Audio system products design and development. Joined with Philips group in 1991, ever designed and developed the world’s first Soundbar and subsequently, also led the team to develop the world’s first Dolby Atmos Soundbar.
Chief Financial Officer
Name Polline Lam
Year of Joining 2002
Education Background Master of Finance, The Chinese University of HK
Business Experience and Qualifications

Fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK  Associate member of HK Institute of Certified Public Accountants Auditor, Arthur Andersen CPA

Audit Officer
Name Kevin Ko
Year of Joining 2020
Education Background Master of Laws, The Soochow University
Business Experience and Qualifications

Senior Financial Manager of Synmosa Biopharma Corporation Manager of CTBC Securities Co., Ltd. Assistant Manager of Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd.

Information Security Officer
Name Jimmy Chen
Year of Joining 2005
Education Background

Bachelor of Department of Information Science, The Soochow University

Business Experience and Qualifications

Near 20 years of IS experience

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is comprised of three Independent Directors:


Su Yi-Jen

Independent Director


Chang Shan-Juh

Independent Director


Jeng Shih-Rong

Independent Director

 The Audit Committee performs the following functions:

  • adoption or amendment of an internal control system;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system;
  • adoption of or amendment to handling procedures for financial or operational actions of material significance, such as acquisition or disposal of assets, derivatives trading, monetary loans to others, or endorsements or guarantees for others;
  • a matter bearing on the personal interest of a Director;
  • a transaction related to material asset or derivatives;
  • a material monetary loan, endorsement, or provision of guarantee;
  • the offering, issuance, or private placement of any equity-type securities;
  • the engagement or dismissal of an attesting chartered public accountant, or the compensation given thereto;
  • the appointment or discharge of a financial, accounting, or internal auditing officer; and
  • annual and semi-annual financial reports.

The Committee may resolve to retain the services of an attorney, certified public accountant, or other professionals to provide advice with respect to matters of its function. The costs of such services shall be borne by the Company.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee is comprised of three independent directors:


Chang Shan-Juh

Independent Director


Jeng Shih-Rong

Independent Director


Su, Yi-Jen

Independent Director

The Remuneration Committee performs the following functions:

  • establish policies, systems, standards and structure of the performance evaluation and Remunerations of the Directors and officers of the Company, and to review the above periodically;
  • periodically evaluate and propose the remunerations of the Directors and officers of the Company; and
  • other matters as required by Applicable Listing Rules.


The Committee shall follow the principles detailed below when performing its functions

  1. It shall refer to typical pay levels adopted by peer companies and take into consideration the reasonableness of the correlation between remuneration and individual performance, and the Group's business performance and future risk exposure, when assessing performance and remuneration of Directors and managerial Officers of the Group;
  2. It shall not produce an incentive for the Directors or managerial Officers to engage in activity to pursue remuneration exceeding the risks that the Company may tolerate; and
  3. It shall take into consideration the characteristics of the industry and the nature of the Group's business when determining the ratio of bonus payout based on the performance of its Directors and senior management and the time for payment of the variable part of any remuneration.

The Committee may by resolution, at the cost of the Company, engage an attorney, certified public accountant, or other professionals to conduct a necessary audit or provide advice with respect to any matters related to the exercising of the Committee's powers.


Sustainable Development Committee

The Sustainable Development Committee is comprised of three Independent Directors and two Directors.


Jeng Shih Rong

Independent Director


Chang Shan Juh

Independent Director


Su Yi Jen

Independent Director


Chang Tung I



Teng Chiou Shiang


The Sustainable Development Committee performs the following functions:

  • Formulate, promote and strengthen the Company's sustainable development policies, annual plans and strategies, etc.
  • Review, track and revise the implementation status and effectiveness of sustainable development.
  • Supervise disclosure matters for sustainability information and review Sustainability Reports.
  • Supervise the implementation of the Company's sustainable development code of business or other sustainable development-related work approved by the Board of Directors.

The Committee may by resolution, at the cost of the Company, engage an attorney, certified public accountant, or other professionals to conduct a necessary audit or provide advice with respect to any matters related to exercising the Committee's powers.

Internal Audit

EASTECH has adopted adequate internal controls and has established risk management mechanisms to monitor risk-bearing capacity and to determine compliance with risk response strategies and risk management procedures. The objectives of the internal controls are to safeguard the Group's assets, shareholders' interests and to achieve the following :

  1. effectiveness and efficiency of operations;
  2. reliability of financial reporting; and
  3. compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

EASTECH has an internal audit unit to assist the Board of Directors and managers in inspecting and reviewing defects in the internal control systems as well as measuring operational effectiveness of the systems and to provide a basis for review and correction.

The internal audit unit formulates an annual audit plan based on the results of its risk assessment. The annual internal audit plan and any amendments thereto have to be passed by the Audit Committee and Board of Directors. The Chief Audit Officer reports directly and regularly to the Audit Committee. The internal audit unit has appointed qualified persons in an appropriate number to ensure that the internal audit function is adequately resourced and has appropriate standing within the Group.

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